Looking for WSM owners in SE Mass and RI


Jeff Padell

I have been calling stores to see if any of them have any WSM's in stock so that I could check out how big the actually are, especially the 22. I can't really get a true feel for their size by reading about them. I did check my Weber 22 inch kettle grill and like that size but base on that the WSM 22 would be 48 inches high, it seems huge, but the 18, based on a rinky dink Brinkman $49 smoker my son gave me that is 18 inches across an 18 seems dinky.

I thought that maybe if there were an amiable WSM owner in this area they might not mind showing off their WSM :wsm:

I am trying to decide between the WSM 18 and 22. We have 4 in our house, 2 of my 3 sons still live here (ages 25 and 27) and when I grill a 3 lb chicken we usually have some left over. If I make ribs we make 2 racks of BB's and sometimes have a couple left. The 18 seems to make the most sense based on what we consume. When I make steak we make a 2 pounder and have a little left over. But I do love smoked turkey legs! But one or so legs or one thigh fills me up.

I know Bass Pro will let you order one and then return it and I get 10% off for a Military Discount there (US Navy 1972-76, DAV Life Member) but it would be nice to actually see a few set up, especially both an 18 and a 22.
Hey Jeff , I`m in south Boston , have the wsm 22 , also waiting for my 18 to arrive . If you ever this way give me a shout and I would be glad to let you look it over . I couldn`t find a store with either one to look at before buying , so I just ordered the 22 , then decided to get the 18 also . Guess me trying to down size didn't go to well , :wsm:

I just talked to Arlington BBQ Barn, they have both the 18 and 22 on display so I think I will take a drive over there this Saturday to check them out in person side by side! While I am there I can get some supplies so I can at least use my Hondo smoker. I actually like it because it looks like a steam locomotive with the smoke stack when it is running, but it is more of a leaky steam locomotive. Even when I buy the WSM I probably won't get rid of it because I like the looks of it and gives me something to putter around with.
Hey Jeff,

I'm over in Central MA, just outside of Worcester in Boylston. I've got both the 18" and 22 WSM. You're more than welcome to swing by my place and check them out. If space and $ are not a concern, I'd say go for the 22. :)
The $100 won't break me, the kids (20 somethings) are trying to do that, with gas and food LOL

anyhow I have heard that the 22 uses more fuel and that even if you put an 18" ring in it for small cooks it uses more than the 18 due to bigger area to heat and food further from heat source, is that true and why you have both?

One thing is that if I could put up with using more fuel, the 22 might really look impressive sitting on the patio!
I have both because I bought my first one in 2008 and the 18.5 was the only size available. I love it. The only downsize was since I prefer foiling my ribs, I could only get 2 racks of ribs on each grate. Toss in some apitizers and maybe some beans and it got a little crowded. Not big deal though I made it work . Also my dome cover took a spill off the side of the deck and was a little banged up so this past December my wife surprised me and bought me the 22.5!!! So now I have 2. :) No, I don't need both.

They are both great units and for me the only difference is the size. They both cook great and honestly I don't think I am really using any more charcoal. Most of my cooks are under 6 hours and I'll toss in 2 chimneys of charcoal (1 lit, 1 unlit) and I can cook at 250 for 4-5 hours no problems. If I want to go a higher temp, I'll run it with the vents fully open and no water in the pan. It's about the same as I was doing with my 18".

I don't have a ton of expereince on the 22 but so far I haven't noticed anything significant in fuel. Since I only need one, the 22" is a bit bigger, newer, has the dome thermometer and cooks great, I'll be giving my nephew the older banged up, 18".

Maybe if I cooked a ton of food and used my WSM several times a week or did long ovrenight cooks, I'd notice that I was using more charcoal. Now, th 22" CAN hold more fuel if needed, but so far for me, no big difference and I havent needed to fill up the ring full of charcoal. I'm just a weekend warrior, and use the WSM maybe 2x a month cooking for maybe 4 -6 people. The 18" was fine in size, but since I have a choice, I prefer the extra space of the 22. I also like that the door opening is a bit larger (easier to reach in move food around on the lower rack).

hope that helps.
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My thougth was that I could always not use the extra space or place more fuel in there but it is difficult to make the surface area larger. You will have the WSM for a lot of years and let the 20 somethings turn into multiple families and you will want the capacity. I have 5 younger ones and the wife to feed so I figured I would go big to accomodate their teenage years. Also, Is there a good reason you listed the dog ahead of your wife and kids on your signature?
the dog doesn't cost me any money :D

no, no good reason, reminded me of a country song I had heard.

The 22 does sound like it has more convenient features, such as the larger door and bigger cooking area. I will be checking them out on Sat.
There is no right answer Jeff, the 22 is all about capacity and what suits you the most. I like the efficency of the 18.5 but I have a 26" kettle and there is just the two of us unless the family comes over. You will never have a problem selling a used 18 down the road if you decide to move up.
I called the BBQ Barn in Arlington MA and they said they have them both.

Just returned from the BBQ Barn in Arlington, they have both the 18 and 22 on display next to each other :wsm: as well as some green "thing" that looks like a cross between a Sputnik and a washing machine :o

They had said the 22 was huge, I didn't think so, of course I am 6' 1" and 250 pounds (all muscle :p ) I didn't think so. They were very nice folks there and lots of accessories. I picked up some rib racks and charcoal holders for my kettle.

Looking at the 22 and imagining, I think I am leaning towards the 22, you can always cook down but not up. Might use more fuel to heat the extra area but the guy at the BBQ Barn said that sometimes getting the 18 down low enough is tough, of course he said he doesn't like the Minion method because he can taste the unlit charcoal. I will have to try it in my kettle.

Now it is time to start saving up or sell one of my guns!
I would guess he is using the minion method with KB, that's why he can taste the chemicals. There a some of us that won't use KB with the minion method, other say they don't taste anything.
Buy the WSM you want and enjoy it. You will develop your own likes and dislikes.
I am new to the forum and don't know all the acronyms, what is KB? also I see OTG all the time, what is that? I figured out WSM

