Looking for a part



TVWBB Member
I have a red MT that I've been meaning to fix up and I'm having some trouble finding a part. The bracket that rotates under the grill controlling the one-touch system to be precise. The one I have is rusted beyond repair and a bit bent out of shape making it tough to turn the handle.

Here it's listed as part #30 but it isn't available anywhere that I've been able to find. http://www.ereplacementparts.com/we...ettle-grill-parts-c-193079_193086_193454.html

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

Sam the bracket is no longer available from weber or ereplacement parts, are you changing out the one touch cleaning system as well ? When I fixed up my red ss I made a bracket, just copied the old one and bent it to form
Thanks for the shout out Tony, but I'm far from an expert. Just a guy who spends a lot of time on 2 forums primarily dedicated to burning charcoal. :cool:

Sam - while the mother ship is no longer making that part, just like wood handles, there's a guy making both which rival the originals.
Email Brian directly at executor70@aol.com

If you want to read the thread about it, go here - http://weberkettleclub.com/forums/w...ay-who-is-really-interested-one-one-of-these/



Wooden handles found here from the same guy - http://weberkettleclub.com/weber-handles/


