Long Cook Vent Tech Help

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K Lynch

TVWBB Member
Did my 1st butt this weekend using the Minion Method and it turned out awesome. I'd love to do the next one overnight, but I'm not comfortable my bullet will maintain a temp in the correct range. During this last 12 hour cook, it seemed I couldn't maintain my ideal temp (235 +-5 degrees) for more than an hour or so at a time without some fluctuations. In fact, I felt like I was constantly yo-yo'ing between temps too hi/too low and opening/shutting vents. Curious about techniques people use with the vents to maintain their target temp range- especially during the overnighters. P.S. I know wind, outside temp are big factors..but lets assume a pleasant,very light breeze day. Thanks!
K, each time you make a vent adjustment, it can take an hour for the temps to even out and stabilize. Chances are this was the problem. Also, very small changes are usually all that's necessary for the desired temp. Try smaller changes, and allow a longer settling in period, and see what happens. Lastly, you may also want to consider a larger temperature range. +/- 5* would be great, but allowing +/-10* will still work fine and be easier to hit.

JMO. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
I had the same problem during my first cooks. It took my WSM about 10-12 cooks before the temps settled down to the "rock solid" everyone raves about. So, have patience. The other reason my temps were yo-yo'g was because I used a digital thermometer and could see temp changes of 1-2 degrees which made me play with the vents more and the yo-yo effect got worse. Again, have patience and don't make any changes to your vents unless your temps change by more than 5-10 degrees. I usually cook at a lid temp of between 240-260 degrees. Any temperature variation between 240-260 doesn't justify a vent adjustment unless there is an obvious steady continual temp rise or drop.
You want to be cooking between 225 and 265? at the lid. Understand that means you are going have grate temps lower than the temp at the lid.
It is natural for the pit temps to climb as more charcoal is lit off, this means the pit is acting normally as the temps climb. Close the vents as lid temp reaches the higher limits of your range but only close it slightly.
I personely only use one of the lower vents to control temp and very seldom use all the three vents. I use the down wind vent so I can cut some of the effect of the wind on pit control. If needed I may us a second vent but not often.
Jim- Does this mean that you only usually have one vent open at a time, or that you only make adjustments to the one down-wind vent?


Keeping in mind that I use a wind screen.... I normally only use one vent also. once I get the smoker up to temp I close two vents down and keep the one vent facing away from the wind open about half-way. I open/shut that one vent to control the temp. I have only usen my smoker 20 - 30 times, but it has been in all sorts of weather! This method has not failed me yet. Steve
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