Well I decided to try a 2.7lb top round London Broil on the Q320. I achieved a reverse sear by using the warming rack that came with the grill to hold it off the grate and placed a piece of foil underneath to shield it. I ended up just running the middle burner on low to maintain a temp between 250-275 for about 25 minutes -- which as it turned out was a bit too long -- then I took it off the heat, tented with foil, cranked both burners on high and let it get to 500 degrees. Then I put it on the grate for a sear for about 4 minutes per side.
It came out with a great flavor though it was a bit overdone -- seems I over-estimated the thickness of it. I sliced it very thin and made sandwiches simply adorned with thin sliced white onion and fresh cracked pepper.
Indirect setup:
Holding temp:
Sliced and Ready:
It came out with a great flavor though it was a bit overdone -- seems I over-estimated the thickness of it. I sliced it very thin and made sandwiches simply adorned with thin sliced white onion and fresh cracked pepper.
Indirect setup:

Holding temp:


Sliced and Ready: