Well, I think I may be in a bit over my head. I hope you guys can help me out a bit here.
I decided to try this project and have very little electronics experience and no Arduino experience. Anyway I ordered all the parts (before realizing I didn't need them all) and got boards from DorkbotPDX. Picked up a WRT54GL.
I bought an atmega pre-loaded with bootloader from Adafruit (which didn't come with a socket, ugh). I dont have an ISP programmer or what have you so I decided I would try the method from the router.
I soldered the board together (I think). I got a bit confused when trying to decipher what was optional and whats not. So I pretty much have a fully populated board without the radio for the wireless probes.
I flashed the WRT54GL with the JAN28 build of the Linkmeter firmware. Plugged the heatermeter board to the serial on the router. Now, the power supply is confusing me. Is the 3.3v from serial enough? or do I need to pull 5v/12v from somewhere else on the router (I cant tell where the yellow wire is going to in Bryan's picture)?
Next issue is Linkmeter/openwrt seems to be crapping out on me. I can get logged in and to the config page. But when I try to start exploring, ill click a link and it will go to some url like;stok:43219875239/admin/lm/fw
I cant remember the exact url right now but the ;stok
randomnumbers) in there is throwing me off, just doesn't look right. Anyway after that the router seems to crash, can no longer access any pages or even ping.
Also at this point I have not connected any button board, lcd, or probes; if that makes a difference?
I was planning on buying a blower from Auber Instruments for this project instead of messing around with trying to mount a digikey one. Has anyone else used the AuberIns blower for the heatermeter?
So that is kind of where I am at right now. I would really appreciate if you guys can help me along a bit.