Limoncello (Lemoncello) the Italian way

Posts frequency is up - a sure sign it is winter and cello season is in full swing. Never thought of leaving the zest in, but we don't strain sediment out of our fine wines - worth considering?

A batch of Star Ruby grapefruit is into about 3 weeks now - I'm thinking this will be really outstanding - always eager to hear of other grapefruit experiences. Next to try should be limequats, as well as bergamot oranges - those intrigue me.

Bill in Bay
Is there such a thing as too much zest in the ethanol?

So you can't get Everclear in WA State. Fortunately, I have a buddy that runs down to Portland about once a week. I asked for 2 liters. He brought back 2 bottles for me. Cool. In there like swimwear...

I got 20 organic lemons, cleaned em, and zested them with a veggie peeler. I tossed it all in a 2.5 gallon glass jar, pulled out the bottles from the paper bag they were still in and started poring. After emptying the first bottle, I noticed the bottle was a 750 ml vice a liter bottle. Short story over long, I just dumped the other bottle in and and am macerating about 30% more zest to alcohol than the recipe calls for.

After 1 day it's a VERY bright (neon?) yellow color already.

Thoughts? Is this something where the alcohol will only take so much? Should I not leave it as long to not make it as strong? I just don't what it to end up bitter or or somehow ruin it.

Thanks for any help.
Trevor - I don't think it will be a problem. But you could cut back the amount of time that you leave the zest in the spirits in order to limit the extraction.

I just finished bottling my first batch of Limoncello. Of course, I had to sneak a taste. Oh my goodness!! That stuff is amazing, and it hasn't even had an opportunity to age yet. I can't wait to see what it tastes like in a couple of weeks.

I also have a batch of grapefruit soaking that I'll bottle in a week or two. I believe that I read that the grapefruit variation is even better than the lemon. I just can't imagine that being possible.

I had one surprise. I wanted to get some nice swing top bottles to put the drink into and had been feebly trying to figure out the amount of liquid that would be in the final product so that I could determine how many bottles to buy. Somehow, the answer that I came up with was four liters. To my surprise, the actual amount was just a hair over three liters. I failed to realize that sugar dissolved in water will not occupy the same amount of space as undissolved sugar and water. I must have been napping during that lesson in physical science back in high school.

Just bottled mine too today and had the same revelation as Frank. I stole a shot glass full and threw it in the freezer for 20 min... Even brand new, it was better than the stuff my wife and I brought back from Italy.
Thank, man!
Not much to it really: blue ice wine bottles, T-corks, and shrink-wrap tops. The only real cost was the bottles ($30/case), but I figure they are reusable.

I like your bottles as well. I would have preferred smaller bottles, but one liter was all that I could find [/IMG]
They are 375ml. Its a recipe and a half (2 750ml bottles of Everclear to start).

I just went to the local brewing supply place. They have wine making supplies too. I have seen the bottles online, but then you are shipping the weight on glass.
Originally posted by Frank S:
I like your bottles as well. I would have preferred smaller bottles, but one liter was all that I could find

Looks pretty good to me, Frank. I think the flip tops are a great idea. Certainly easier to store in the freezer.
Hell, when I am giving it away as gifts or whatever, I do it in 1/2 pint, pint and quart mason jars. It is according to how much ya love me, is what ya git.
This has got to be one of the longest discussion topics on Chris' board!

I finally decided I would have to try it. EC and lemon zest are steeping now.
When I first posted this topic with the recipe back in 2006 I had no idea it would be picked up with such zest by so many people. I still head up to Sicily every year to stock up on pure spirit as I still can't get it here in Malta. Friends here still rave about it and say it is better than what they can buy here or in Italy. Hope everyone continues to enjoy.
Mike in Malta
The wine bottles do look great! They look like the would cool quickly with the high surface area. I found some glass, half liter "flasks" at the container store for about 5 bucks...they look great and have the flip top. Having just finished bottling my first is about time to start another
Right, so after a host of very scientific experimentation, I have come the conclusion that this stuff is simply amazing. Two weeks in the freezer before opening has mellowed it nicely into an ambrosia of lemony goodness.

Everyone that I have given bottles to raves about it. I actually have volunteers to run down to Oregon to pick up more spirit for the next batch.

I know that this isn't a revelation to anyone that has actually tried it. If anyone is on the fence as to whether or not to give this a go, just start making plans now. It's well worth the time.

Thank you very much, Mike for posting. Thank you also to Mr. Kruger for your tweaks that I incorporated.

