Lil' Green Machine



New member
Lil' Green Machine -- Rehabbed

Picked up this little honey on CL today for $20. Dusty and dirty don't adequately describe her but I'm seeing through that to the good bones underneath. I committed to buy it based on the ad pic in which it looked black. Hey, a 2008-ish Weber for $20 is okay with me no matter what the color. When I got there tonight I saw that it was green under all that grime. :coolkettle:
Burner tubes and flavorizer bars are in good nick and there is no rust anywhere except the typical gas catcher that would rust in a Phoenix bone yard. The porcelain is unblemished and the Thermoset tables look like they will clean up just fine. The SS grates are going to go in favor of either Grill Grates or PCIs. The drip pan was so full of grease that I left it outside until I can clean it out. I get the feeling that this was owned by a use 10 times, clean never sort of fellow.
After the resto, I will be giving it to my daughter and son-in-law as their housewarming gift when they move into their new home and I'll take a few pics along the way. Thanks for providing this awesome source of info and encouragement that enables the restoration of these fine pieces of work.

Adding after pic - just waiting on SS flavorizers and CI grates and then she goes home to my daughter and SIL. Painted the box and end caps with hi-temp, touched up the frame in two spots, blew out the manifold and tubes with compressed air and cleaned the gunk off. I used Zepp Citrus degreaser and 0000 steel wool on the lid and control panel. It was a very modest undertaking considering the price so I splurged on the RCPlanebuyer bars and the porcelain CI grates. I REALLY hate to see her go but the kids need a foundation for their next ten years of outdoor cooking.
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Welcome....$20 is a steal....A little elbow grease and some paint it will have a new grill. I restored a 2001 Genesis Silver B ....just take your time . I went with GrillGrates and just love them. Be sure to post some pictures of your restoration.
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First, welcome to the forum. You are doing a good thing by giving that beauty a new home. $20.00 was a steal. My 96 cost me $45.00 and a 3 hour round trip. Congrats
Thanks for the welcoming posts and encouragement. I've done a couple of rehabs using the tips from this forum in the last month or so - my 02 vintage Genesis Gold C and a black Genesis B that I picked up on CL for $40. It's a nice feeling to bring one of these back to like new shape and then cook a mean ribeye on the shakedown cruise.

