Like I needed another grill!!

Cleaned up nicely !!

It amazes me what a little elbow grease can do for theses grills....19yrs old. Guess it's time to search for the next one!!




Bob, of course the mini crossed my mind , can you do that with a Smokey Joe Platinum? All the mods I have seen are for the smaller SJ'S ? I'm open to suggestions....
Or how about my table that has a fire pit that I like to use to start charcoal chimneys, took the legs off and SJ Platinum drops right in. Sitting at the table enjoying a few beverages and everyone grills their own....... ?!


We've had a Platinum for quite a while now, I re-bent the legs to sit lower so I could fit it into an outside storage cabinet on our camper. It works great and we use it a lot for camping. The mini Weber chimney starter will fit inside the Platinum grill for storage and traveling. I've often wondered how many Platinums were made and sold because we never see anyone else with one and when people see ours they always ask us where we got it from. Yours cleaned up very nicely and the patio table idea is a winner!

