Like a champ



TVWBB Super Fan
Half the fun is sitting around drinking bear waiting for the foos to cook and checking it out every now and then.

Yesterday I did the MS MUD RUN and wanted som que so I put 2 8lb butts on the smoker at 5.30 am and got ready for the day leftthe house at 7.30 am and dropped kids off drove to the event about an hour away, Ran the run and finished free beer afterwords and fire trucks sparying the mud off runners some rather cute and from loacl wing houses. so about 2 I head to the wild wings cafe for a beer and then to pick up kids and check the que. wife is out of town so don't know if the fire is good or not. got home around 3.30 and the smoker is still good ..on the way down but at 215 i started at a high heat the lid and they wer perfect about 187 but the bome was sticking out some and it was falling apart. all about great que and I only lifted the lid twice.. leftovers today

I wish I could say I has alittle more effect on the que I just bought it rubbed it and knew about the time it would be ready

