Lighting Lump in a Chimney



I'm a recent lump convert, but so far have only started the fire with about 20 briquets of the new K. If I were to use lump to actually start the fire (minion method), how do you gage how much to light off in the (weber) chimney?

Big chunks? Small chunks? Medium? Around 1/2 a chimney? The size of the pieces varies so much, I'm afraid to guess!!


I usually use a little less than half a weber chimney of whatever size comes out of the bag.

Of course your mileage may vary!
I do the same as Bill if using lump to start unless I'm using Wicked Good. in that case I extract the large pieces (which are really large) and leave the smalls and mediums in the chimney.
Yikes! I'll never do that again.

5:30 AM. Nothing on but my bathrobe and slippers. Only two sips of coffee in me. Lit a half chimney of Royal Oak lump. A few more sips of coffee, and I went out to check. There's sparks flying everywhere, and the lump is burning like crazy. Perfect, I thought. Now what am I going to do?

Grabed a pair of gloves, and started walking the chimney towards the smoker. It was like the 4th of July. Trying to dump the coals into the ring was like the grand finale. This would have been fun, were it not for the fact that all these sparks were falling on my wood deck, my moccasins, my robe, and parts of me that were not very well protected by the robe.

Lesson learned, and a warning to others.

I use a Stoker on my cooks, so I just take a propane torch and light a couple of pieces of lump (Royal Oak) closest to the side I have the fan mounted to, and let the fan take it from there.
I use Humphries Lump. Very little sparking. I smoked some ribs with it yesterday. Filled the charcoal bowl to almost half. Lit about 1/3 of lump. Poured over unlit. ( Minion Metod). Kept a smoke going at 260* for about 5 hrs. Small spike to 290 when I opend the lid to spray the ribs.

