Claude M
TVWBB Super Fan
Strange issue, one of the gray rollers on my Performer melted into the bowl. Then when I removed it, it came off with the enamel that it melted into. My 2005 Platinum with the identical system still has the original rollers on it. The only difference is that on the Platinum the rollers spin freely, yet on the Performer they are pressed tightly into the bowl. This part was already assembled out of the box so I didn't mess with it, although it did catch my attention that they were not loose and able to spin like on my Platinum. Anyone else see this on their Performer? I purchased this grill in March, Weber had me send them some pictures, parts to come in 10 days, but if they are the same (tight against the bowl) they will melt too. Will need some sort of mod to not tighten them but yet not have them fall off.