Lid holder for WSM

You could hang it from a chain with a suitable hook on the end. The chain would be secured to the overhead with another hook screwed into a beam.
Here's how I hold my WSM lid when I'm cooking.

It could easily be duplicated by using a small "shepherds hook" for hanging plants.

I made mine out of a setion of garage door opener, black pipe, and an electric fence post. It's lag bolted to my table, and the hook itself pivots so I can swing it out of the way to allow access to the WSM I'm working on.

This is a great idea because I do most of my smoking next one of the five wooden 4”x 4” poles that hold up my patio roof. In fact, I can hang the lid off to the side, away from the center ring and still reach the lid by myself without asking anyone to help me. This also means I don’t have to bother my wife or maneuver my wheelchair after I lift the lid off.

Clark this is one of many great ideas, but this will do the trick for me. I can hang the hook as low as I like and remove it when I’m done smoking. Your idea is simple, straightforward and no complicated DIY machining is necessary. I want to thank you for taking the time out to post your great lid holder.

I hope to get my daughter to let me post some photos on her face book page to show you all my smoking work area on my patio. Before and after photos will be coming soon and of course photos of my ribs.

Originally posted by Frank Mastrogiovanni:
I do most of my smoking next one of the five wooden 4”x 4” poles that hold up my patio roof.
Cool! You can screw some type of bracket to the post, and put a hook like that in and it could swing out of the way.
I came up with this idea after I dropped the lid to The World's Oldest WSM (tm) and dented it. It works pretty well for me, and I'd love to see a pic of how you wind up doing yours.

