Letting the meat sit out before smoking

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R.D. Harles

Can someone tell me the reasoning/benefits for leaving a fully thawed piece of meat stand 30 - 60 min. before cooking.
To sort of give you a running start at raising the temp of the meat so the cooker doesn't have to work longer or harder just to raise it those first 10-20 degrees. It's a matter of personal preference. My usual procedure is to set the meat out when I light the first chimney. That means it's off refrigeration for 40-60 minutes tops.
Consider this, during the cooking process smokering is produced intil the internal temp of the meat reaches aprox 140?. If you want a good smokering put the meat on directly from the refrigerator (the internal will below 140? for a longer time).
There is more than one way to do everything.
Hi R.D,

Like Jim, I always place my meat on right out of the fridge. It serves 2 purposes....

As Jim mentioned, you will get a larger smokering, PLUS, it will help to regulate your temps. As many have found out..it is much easier to control the WSM from lower temps rather than fighting a too hot fire.
Thanks for the responses guys!
Always looking for a better understanding
of what is going on inside the WSM and inside
the meat itself.
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