Fired up the WSM around 9:30 last night for a couple of boneless pork butts I got on sale. Bad move. The things were completely butchered, hacked into and the boner ripped out. Looking back I probably should have tied them up with some twine, oh well. I'll never go back to boneless again.
I realize most cooking errors are the cooks mistakes, but I just don't like boneless butts. (That's What She Said?) They cooked unevenly, and were a pain to get on and off the smoker. Once again, I know twine would've solved most of these problems.
My WSM also ran hot for most of the night. The first 90 minutes were perfect, sitting at 235, but then she took off! I put in too many lit coals at the beginning, and my minion method became a "Let's light this huge stack of charcoal all at once and try to keep it below 300 all night" method. Needless to say, I failed. I don't mind cooking butts at 300, I just wanted to get some sleep tonight. Gave up and let the WSM go where she was comfortable right at 307*. Pulled the meat off and foiled it at 4:00 AM when it reached 190* on the thickest part, let it rest in the oven (still warm from dinner, talk about insulation) until 9:00 this morning. Just pulled it now.
The stuff passes. To the untrained eye it's **** good. To me it's a reminder of how being a bit cocky can turn a good hunk of meat into a hunk of blah.
Bark is amazing though.
Slather in Horseradish mustard
2 parts brown sugar
2 parts salt
2 parts pepper
1 part garlic powder
1/2 part cayenne pepper
I realize most cooking errors are the cooks mistakes, but I just don't like boneless butts. (That's What She Said?) They cooked unevenly, and were a pain to get on and off the smoker. Once again, I know twine would've solved most of these problems.
My WSM also ran hot for most of the night. The first 90 minutes were perfect, sitting at 235, but then she took off! I put in too many lit coals at the beginning, and my minion method became a "Let's light this huge stack of charcoal all at once and try to keep it below 300 all night" method. Needless to say, I failed. I don't mind cooking butts at 300, I just wanted to get some sleep tonight. Gave up and let the WSM go where she was comfortable right at 307*. Pulled the meat off and foiled it at 4:00 AM when it reached 190* on the thickest part, let it rest in the oven (still warm from dinner, talk about insulation) until 9:00 this morning. Just pulled it now.
The stuff passes. To the untrained eye it's **** good. To me it's a reminder of how being a bit cocky can turn a good hunk of meat into a hunk of blah.
Bark is amazing though.
Slather in Horseradish mustard
2 parts brown sugar
2 parts salt
2 parts pepper
1 part garlic powder
1/2 part cayenne pepper