Lemon Turkey


Dale Perry

My wife has been craving a turkey sandwich so I did a cook today that had a result that was nice. I put a 1/2 lemon in the water pan with just about an inch of hot water and the other half in the carcass. Smoked the turkey breast 4 hours (removed at 163 internal) and after resting carved it and had my daughter try a sample. She said mmmm lemon. The breast was not brined but I did put a rub that consisted of pepper, salt, and garlic. It had a huge smoke ring and a really good taste. This cook was about as easy as they can get. I am a big fan of fried turkey, but this skin turned out crispy. I dont know if NOT brining had something to do with it because I have never been able to get crispy skin in the bullet and this time I did. ive always brined before.
I had cooker temps at 250, then we had a hard rain that didnt help, and after about an hour it finally quit and the temp was at 220 so I bumped it up to 300. Crispy skin, and moist meat. Im pleased.

