Leg of pork



New member
As a newbie I need some help. I have a 5lb boneless leg with skin on and tied.
What is the best way to treat this for a 4pm eating time?
I realise it's nearly always butt etc, but it's all I could get today!
Any help appreciated
I am guessing it's not a ham, so I would take the skin off and apply rub. Figure on 1.5 hours per pound. Start a little early so you can foil and rest in an empty cooler wrapped in towels for a couple of hours. It makes it easier to pull. I think what you call leg of pork we call pork shoulder, the other half of the joint that includes the butt. It's supposed to have more dark meat than butt. I've cooked one but it's been more than 10 years.
Thanks guys, but it's not shoulder it's back leg....
But it's boned and rolled. It's not ham, cos that's cured, it's about 8inches diamter
No. A ham is a leg from the rear of the animal. It is uncured and often called fresh ham.

A cured ham is the cured rear leg.

The front leg is called the picnic. It is part of the shoulder. It is equivalent to your arm, from your elbow up to your shoulder. It is sometimes called an arm roast or a lower shoulder.
Over here in the uk, it's only ham once it's cured. So it's a boned and rolled back leg that I have....
It's on now at 250...so we'll see later how it turns out

