Lazy brisket

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Dale Perry

Well I WAS going to start cooking last night but was lazy and didnt get up. Anyhow I got a brisket going this morning and the WSM is puffing away. I am going to throw a tenderloin on later just for a little while and let it absorb some smoke and then grill that sucker later. I guess the brisket will be oven finished but thats the price I gotta pay for being a lazy slob.
Keep her in the 160s for as long as you can, then foil and oven finish and let her rest for an hour or more if you can, and that brisket should be ok.
OR..........just let the brisket finish it's normal course on the WSM for the full time (unfoiled) and it will be done just in time for breakfast on Monday.....mmmmm brisket I'm drooling.

Regardless, I'm still up for brisket breakfast if you are...all we got to do is get Dale to cooperate

Have fun DALE..let us know how it goes.
Well I just checked the temps and the brisket is at 160 and the dome temp is 235. The tenderloin that is wrapped in bacon is doing a fine job of basting the brisket.
I do believe that this is my 200th post!
Just pulled the brisket off with internal temp at 180. Going to finish in the oven, let it sit till cool, place in fridge overnight and eat Monday. I learned alot today. It will be an overnight cook from now on for Brisket, just like Pork Butts.
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