Late night pull???

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Tom Barineau

TVWBB Super Fan
Looks like my pork butt hit the "plateau" and is not gonna be 190* until about 11:00 tonight, and just might have to be pulled in the a.m., if that is an option. When I take it off, should I foil it and leave it on the counter overnight or put it in the fridge overnight?

Thanks, Doug. You must have a photographic memory to remember all of the previous posts on topics. My hat is off to you,sir. (This isn't the first time you've helped me.)

Will stay up and pull it or refrigerate it.

Thanks again.

You've gotten all the smoke into it you're going to by now. You could always foil it and put it back into the cooker, and it will get to 190 in relatively short order.
Doug--Did not see your reply in time--pulled it at 170, let it rest for a short while, then pulled it, put Sonny's Sweet on it and plopped it in the fridge for samiches tomorrow.

Still learning, but we're trying and enjoying the WSM. Thanks again for the timely help.

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