Lasagna -- Internal Temperture?

That's interesting q Rita, never really thought about temping lasagna.

I do a 9x13 about 2 1/2" deep with cooked home made gr beef tomato sauce & cheese 350ºF for about 50 minutes and some broiler time. I like it to get brown and a bit crispy on the top. Never thought to temp it. I usually use the oven ready noodles for convenience though I prefer the u-boil-first kind.

I'd guess if you used raw meat in it the normal rules apply, 160ºF would be safe for store bought ground meat, 140ºish for strips you cut yourself from a larger piece if anyone makes lasagna like that. I have a feeling for the way I like it to look cooked though it's way, way past safe.

Reheat? I'll eat it cold
. If I have time I like to bake it again to reheat, otherwise in the nuker at half power for a few minutes till it's hot through and through.

Temp for quality not safety I can't guess at. I'd have to cook mine, watch temps to figure out what I like mine at. Beyond that lasagna can vary so much how could one say? One restaurant I've gotten it from puts cold pre-cooked noodles in a pan, dumps sauce and chese on and bakes in a pizza oven to brown the cheese. Maybe you layer cottage cheese/ricotta spinach bread crumbs u-boil noodles and you make it 3 1/2" thick. ??
Like Shawn writes, I've never temped a lasagna. I did an egg plant version this past weekend. That mandolin slicer is great for egg plant slices! Baked at 325 till the outer edges were bubbling good and the top cheese was starting to brown. That's my normal procedure. I had made some Italian sausage to use in it and it was precooked, so there were no safety issues.
For reheats; I'd just go to about 120.

I never temp lasagna.

The meat (or fish) is typically pre cooked. I usually just cook until I see it bubbling. If you are using the uncooked type of pasta then at least until the pasta is tender. I usually just cook at 350 to 375 for 45 minutes and look to see that it's bubbling.

But your in luck. I just made some a week ago. And since I now have the thermapen I temp everything

160 to 165 in the center should be perfect.

I always let it sit for about 20-30 minutes to firm up.
I was really looking for serving temps, moreso than doneness temps. I've seen 140 and 160 mentioned.

My lasagna is a full 2 1/2" high in a half-chafter pan. Very pretty, but not too practical when cutting it into serving portions. I'd rather serve a wider, less-thick square. The tall squares are going to look like leaning towers of Pizza!

I was really looking for serving temps, moreso than doneness temps. I've seen 140 and 160 mentioned.
IMO 160 is too hot for a serving temp. In my post, the reheat temp of 120 was meant to be the serving temp.

I often refer to a serving temp of 140-150, e.g., for when reheating intact brisket in the oven, or something along those lines. This is to allow for the bit of cooling that will take place as the brisket is sliced, plated and served. Actual temp at serving is lower.
Originally posted by Rita Y:
I was really looking for serving temps, moreso than doneness temps. I've seen 140 and 160 mentioned.

My lasagna is a full 2 1/2" high in a half-chafter pan. Very pretty, but not too practical when cutting it into serving portions. I'd rather serve a wider, less-thick square. The tall squares are going to look like leaning towers of Pizza!


Sorry Rita! For serving temp about 120 or so. 160 way too hot of course.

