Larry was it worth the wait??????

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Well we are waiting to hear the outcome of your trial with Texas BBQ Rub???
Tried mine with a blade roast(small chuck) 4 pounds used #2 turned out fantastic. gonna try #1 on a meat loaf later in the week.

I used the #1 on a rotisserie chicken and on a picnic. Very good. Gotta chuck roll in my sights, probably not this weekend though. Just put my 8 year old Chocolate Lab down yesterday and don't feel much smoking anything right now. Maybe by the weekend I will change my mind. That was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.
As an adamant dog lover (i've been where you are and understand) my heart goes out to you!!

I agree that is very likely the hardest thing I ever did.

Sorry for your loss
Thanks for the kind words. The saddest thing is "Drake" was a great loving dog. But he bit my wife the yesterday morning and wouldn't let go. We have a two year old too and could not take a chance with that happening to her, even though he had never done something like that before. I tried to give him to the ASPCA but they said he was unadoptable because he had bitten someone. I thought about giving him to someone but realized no one would take care of him or love him the way I did and also would not forgive myself had he bitten someone else or even worse a child. I have had him longer than my wife, him and I were "single" together and he was always there for me. Life just doesn't seem fair, he makes one mistake and has to pay the ultimate cost.
.........Really missing my buddy...........

I feel the pain for your loss, I too have a
chocolate Lab, she's 5 and my best friend!
If it makes you feel any better, I would do the same if it happen in my home.

Sorry for your loss.

I know how you feel Larry. I lost my "best friend" a little over 3 yrs ago. Still haven't been able to get another one. Still miss him.
Man you guys are my "second family"! Thanks for the very kind words.

Yes <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> If it makes you feel any better, I would do the same if it happen in my home. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That absolutely makes me feel better. This is truly a painful experience. I am grateful of our good times. I have a 1 year old Yellow Lab that misses his buddy too. We try to consoul eachother.

I am sorry about your loss too. Not really sure if we ever get over the loss of a dog. They are indeed part of the family.
Larry, that is so terribly sad. You absolutely did the right thing, but jeez what an awful situation.

I feel for ya'.

I had a Dalmation for 10yrs. One day it bit my buddy and then one of my sister's friends. The next day we didn't have a Dalmation!! While it is tuff to put the dog down when it seems to be in the prime of his/her life...the pain would be uncomparable to how you would feel if you did nothing and your daughter was attacked. YOU DID the right thing!! As hard as that is to accept never question that.

My thoughts are with you my friend!!
Oh Larry......

Take all the hurt. Turn it into love and give it to your daughter. When she gives it back to you there's a little piece of your friend loving you back.

From one good dad too another.
I'm gonna have to get me some #1 and #2. Whats the website to order it? Why not jump on the bandwagon when there's good eats involved. Thanks.

Let me add my condolences. What an impossible situation.

You did the right thing, and still it breaks your heart. I feel for you.

Larry, I'm sorry about your loss. We had a 10 year old black lab that had to be put down in 1998. That was the toughest thing I ever had to do. Hang in there.

I went to the site. However, you folks have talked about their #1 and #2 rub, but from what I can see on the website they only offer a single all encompassing rub. Any ideas. Did they used to sell two rubs and now only one? is the right site....?

They do have both. When you order your #1 ask for a sample of the #2 in the comments box. You will recieve a generous 1lb sample.

Or just order several lbs of both.

Great stuff!!!!!!!


Thats cool...its just that I was looking on the site and they never mention anywhere that they have two diff types of dry rub....only lets you chose from one type. Thanks.

The #2 rub is in production, but, they're in the process of getting a new website specifically for "BrisketRub" online.

Hope you enjoy it...I have
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