Knife question


Nathan Brown

New member
What would be considered the best knife for trimmming the fat cap on pork butts?

After getting bent over by my butcher last night to the tune of 2.99 a pound and seeing 1.39 at BJ's today, I have decided that I need to do my own trimming... I have tried this before, but my set of Hencklel EverSharps (wedding present 6 years ago) just don't cut it. Pun intended.

Price is a pretty big consideration and something that I can later complete a whole set of would be a major plus.

Have you ever taken your henckel to get sharpened?. I have 1 henckel, but I love it. I get it sharpened twice a year.
The knives I have are the Eversharp, with the "micro-serrated edge that never need sharpening". I tried trimming a butt once before, but was sawing away with the 7" santuko but not really getting anywhere...
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Nathan Brown:
What would be considered the best knife for trimmming the fat cap on pork butts?

Thanks! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>


I personally use a 6 inch boning knife. Don't know if it's the best or not, but it works for me.

The 14" Forschner is a fine knife, and can also be used as a Brisket slicer should you compete.

Just food for thought, keep the fat cap on. I may clean up some chunks of fat here and there, but keep most of the fat cap intact.
You can by a two pack of carving/ utility knives at Sams with white handles. They are relatively cheap and work very well. I bought them specifically to trim meat for the smoker. They're great.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by K Kruger:
I never trim butts </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Ahmen Brother.
My rant on the subject.
Butt Fat Cap
I feel I must post about this because I read about so people doing this too many times. If you know this sorry, but for those who don't I'm posting because the best part of the butt is lost in doing this, cutting off the false fat cap. If you buy untrimmed butts please don't cut the false fat cap off. See there are 2 fat caps on a butt the one you see is a false cap and the true fat cap. There's a very thin piece of meat that lies under the false cap and on top of the true fat cap. Now let me tell you that when your butt is done cooking and after the rest and you got to pull it here is where you will be rewarded for your efforts. I consider this the cooks reward and I hardly ever share it. Gently push the false fat cap aside with your thumb to expose that very thin layer of meat that is sitting on top of the true fat cap and quickly eat it while no one is looking. Trust me you will be eating Pork Butt Nirvana.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bryan S:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by K Kruger:
I never trim butts </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Ahmen Brother.
My rant on the subject.
Butt Fat Cap
I feel I must post about this because I read about so people doing this too many times. If you know this sorry, but for those who don't I'm posting because the best part of the butt is lost in doing this, cutting off the false fat cap. If you buy untrimmed butts please don't cut the false fat cap off. See there are 2 fat caps on a butt the one you see is a false cap and the true fat cap. There's a very thin piece of meat that lies under the false cap and on top of the true fat cap. Now let me tell you that when your butt is done cooking and after the rest and you got to pull it here is where you will be rewarded for your efforts. I consider this the cooks reward and I hardly ever share it. Gently push the false fat cap aside with your thumb to expose that very thin layer of meat that is sitting on top of the true fat cap and quickly eat it while no one is looking. Trust me you will be eating Pork Butt Nirvana. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>


Aren't you guys concerned about losing all the great "bark" that everyone else raves about?

I'm curious (and serious) because I'm not that big a fan of the "bark" myself.

Then what on earth are you using for a rub?
Seriously though: What don't you like--flavor? --texture?

I see no point in trimming. There is so much fat on a butt's surface that bark is compromised. And even leaving on the false cap only means a somewhat reduced bark quantity.

