Anyone use these? I usually go with hardwood lump charcoal from Wegmans (local grocery store). I was wondering if people noticed any strange taste in their food. Maybe from the binding agent(s)?
No strange taste in Kingsford Competition when I have used it. I like it a lot, but it is priced too high
when I like others priced less almost as well.
Never had any problems with Kingsford charcoal, any of it. What I don't like about the competition briquettes is that they are smaller, burn faster, and tend to fall through the grates prematurely.
IMO K comp is the best they make, it gets hot when you need it to and stays low and slow for a long time. Less start up smoke than blue bag and ready faster.
I use them all the fact used them a few min ago for a brisket cook. I like the fast start up, less ash, and the smell starting is better imo.