kinda bummed

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George Curtis

TVWBB Olympian
with all this talk about sjp's and all i started thinking about my new unused one. it has been covered now for 3-4 years. last night i realized that i had not used ss hardware on it. so went outside today to take a look. yep, everything is rusting. what junk. just can't get over the cheap hardware weber uses. the legs are all rusted and corroded. the lid lockdown rod is rusted. the vents are corroded a bit. rust is just coming out of two of the vent holes through the porcelain. so now my new sjp looks old and used. oh well. so again, do not use webers hardware. get ss stuff. maybe cover everything in a light layer of pam.
its dated dr-2006. got it when ace had them for $20 . just never seemed the right time to use it or it just never entered my mind. many times i did the face slap and thought "doh" ! will start to use it now i guess. i have 13 webers not counting my other stuff.not sure i'll bother with warranty. i kinda get attached to my grills.
I wander if that cover trapped moisture under it? I have the same date code bought from Ace also.I keep mine uncovered hanging on a hook in my garage. Its a little dirty, but not a sign of rust so far on any of the HW.

I don't understand this post. Are you saying weber grills are junk? If si I strongly disagree. They are better than anything you'll find at most dept. Stores.
George has 13 Webers, I don't believe he thinks they are junk, we all know Webers will last forever if properly cared for and part of that is replacing their stock hardware with stainless steel, something they should do but don't. It's just part of the game and we all live with it. But, 13 Webers gives you the right to gripe about rusty hardware every once and a while.
not saying webers are junk. just that certain things shouldn't happen. yes, most likely moisture did get under the cover that caused this. but some stuff is the fault of weber. the legs on all the sj's tend to rust or corrode, no matter what. the side vent holes on mine and i suspect others are deformed. due to this the vent baffles? do nut sit flush. the inside part of my baffle's are chewed up from these sharp edges. i plan to even them out. on all four holes they are deformed the same and are rusting the same due to no porcelain covering the steel. when you see stuff like that over and over and over and read constantly about rust and frozen nuts and bolts it starts to get on ones nerves. on my gasser, nearly all of the nuts and bolts were siezed. and all this could be eliminated if ss hardware was used. the cost ? maybe $5 ? the grills are great but then the quality falls through when they use the cheapest junk out there. anyway, i'll get it all cleaned up and sorted out and use it and look for my next weber project.
I agree with you George. It is a good idea to change out the nuts and bolts to SS. They look better too.

I am still sorry to hear your SJP rusted. I just bought one and will try and keep that from happening. Thanks for bringing this to our attention George. Please share a picture or two if possible.
I have one from 1998 and its in great shape, just need to replace the bolts, the are nearly new. Prior owner did not use much. Sorry to hear about your experience.
hate to bring this up again but i was cleaning the bowl to get it back together and noticed a lot more rust than i thought i had on the bowl. so i have now decided to see how good the warranty really is.
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