Kettle pizza oven

I hate to ask a very dumb sounding question, but is everyone using the kettle oven on the smokey mountains, or on regular kettle grills? I only ask because the pizza kettle website actually says it doesn't work well on smokey mountains due to the large air volume inside.
I would assume you could circumnavigate this by placing the charcoal where the water pan normally goes, to create less distance between the coals and the pizza.
One would think that you could mod the smoker to place the coals closer to the grill surface, and hence, the pizza stone, but unless your space is limited, used Weber kettles can be had for very reasonable prices. My opinion is that it would be better to pickup a used kettle for the KettlePizza, but that's just my opinion...

Originally posted by Steve Holat:

While I own neither, this product looks a lot like a rotisserie ring. What I'd love to see is a rotisserie with a removable door for grilling pizza.

I will have to try pizza soon on my OTG. In the oven I have had good success using no-knead pizza dough, prebake the crust a little, add toppings and bake again.

The suggestions to use CI pans are helpful too. Afterall, no-knead bread recipes commonly use CI dutch ovens.
Got one of these for my Birthday 2 weeks ago. We have used it both weekends since, and it works just great. I used one Weber chimney of charcoal and lump hickory wood in a semi-circle around the back of the grill. Temps peg out both thermometers at well over 700 degrees, and maintains this temp for at least 3 pizzas before I have to add more wood.

Got a cheap pizza stone and peel from Bed, Bath, and Beyond, at it seems to work fine.

The ultimate approval was my 5yr old grandson who will only eat pepperoni pizza. He thought it was the best pizza ever!
Here is a link to a video I made the first time I used the KettlePizza. Their was a note in the box when I got it that said if I posted a video and sent the link to the company, they would send me a free gift!

I sent them a link, and within 5 days they sent me a cool embroidered apron, t-shirt, and set of their stainless steel pizza turner's. Along with a nice personal note from the owners.

Good customer follow through, I love this thing. We have used it every weekend since we got it.
I love the video and those great looking pizzas Tom! I am sold now and want one. It's just been added to my Christmas list.
Great video and great looking pizza.

My own experience has been mixed, primarily because of an inability to get pizzas off the peel and onto the stone. That an the fact that my pies have been too thick to easily fit through the slot of the kettlepizza.

Will have to get back on this and redouble my efforts.


We have found that putting a liberal amount of corn meal on the pizza peel make the pizza's slide right off onto the stone. And just enough stays on the dough to make it easy to turn on the stone and remove after they get done cooking.

Here are some shots of the pizza's that we did tonite. We have been using the KettlePizza just about every Friday night since I got it in August.

Just let them cook for about 3-4 minutes before you try to turn them on the stone.

Good Luck!
I don't want to sound like a sourpuss, and I totally understand that this product has a definite purpose, but I just can't see how it compares to an actual pizza oven.
-A wood fired oven will cook a pizza in 2 minutes, not 7, and definitely not 12.
-It will also completely cook AND brown the top while it bakes the bottom. You guys are making great pizzas, but the tops look a little raw. Is that true, or is it just a trick of the photos?
-The pizza won't taste smokey, because WFOs don't make smoke when they get up to temperature.

I'm just wondering if this thing actually does what it says it does. I have a lot of experience with wood fired pizza, and those pies don't looking anything like a KettlePizza's pies.

Well, no, the KettlePizza ISN'T as good as a WFO, but the point is that most if uscan't afford to buy or build a WFO. The KettlePizza allows us to follow the 80-20 rule: it's not 100%, but it gets one closer than just throwing a pie on a grill.

I've not had the greatest luck with it, but I haven't had oodles of opportunity to practice either.

The thing DOES work, it's relatively inexpensive, doesn't take up a lot of room, utilizes a piece of equipment that many of us already have and heats up fairly quick. Light it to cooked pie in about 45 minutes. I think that's way faster than most WFOs.

Are we chasing a chemera? I don't think so. The challenge makes the final product so much more gratifying. Would I like to have a WFO? Sure, but it'll be a long time in coming.

All the best! Tony
Let's see some mo' pies! I'm getting ready to make a few pizzas and need some inspiration. I don't have a KPO yet, but it won't be long.

Has anyone seen this? Kettle Caddy
Shaun wrote: "Has anyone seen this? Kettle Caddy"

I really like that,I even tried to order one, but it won't do it.. Probably doesn;t ship from SOuth Africa to the US, but i sent an email, so we'll see..
Pretty cheap if the conversion rate from South African currency is accurate. If I recall it was like $36 US not including shipping.
At that price, I would buy one tomorrow.
That's a good deal, so would I. I made a pizza tonight, the reason for ressurecting this thread. I made a makeshift KPO and it failed. So I finished the pizza using my usual method and it was one of the best ever. AJ, I can't upload pictures here because my PC is messed up. I will send you a couple and you can post them here if you want.

