Keep 2003 Genesis Silver B or buy used Genesis EP-330?



TVWBB Member
I apologize for posting this twice. I realized it was originally on the wrong place!

My 2003 Genesis Silver B is old but going strong. I have replaced parts over the years including changing the grates with stainless (several years ago) and the replacing burners and flavorizer bars. Other than a couple of rust spots on the drip pan, cart and sides of the lid, it's working fine. I'm concerned that parts will no longer be available for the Silver B with time passing. I'm in a dilemma as I have a friend who has offered me her Genesis EP-330 Special Edition (purchased on 12/30/2014) for $450. What do you think? Is this a good price/buy and an opportunity that I shouldn't pass up?
Not a bad price. The 330 is a decent machine though IMO not as versatile. Though you are right Weber is abandoning customers with the older grills (especially ones like me with the even older I, II, III, 1xxx, 2xxx, 3xxx) so you might want to do this for the planned obsolescence. Bear in mind if you like food from rotisserie the new design does not lend itself well. If you want to do a whole slab of spareribs fitting them can be an issue as the old style lends itself much better to those long cuts
Like LMichaels said some parts on the older models are getting hard to find. But most of the parts that wear out are still easy to get such as flavorizer bars, burners, grates, igniters. I have a 1999 genesis 1000 that bought new and I converted to a 2000 recently. I also have a older 2006 E320 with the east / west burners like your B which like L I prefer. The E330 will have slightly more grilling area than the B but not a whole lot of difference and it is higher.
If the E330 is in great shape and it should be seeing that it's only two years old it would be worth the price I would say. But I would check Craig's list in your area and see what they are going for first.
Thanks L and Rich for your input. Two things I noticed on the 330 is that the lid is much heavier (extra lining) and not as well balanced. It is also higher and I am short at. 5'4". I've read everything that I can find on the EP330 and I did look at CL for comparison. I think that I will buy it and keep the Silver B.
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Hilary I would not worry about the lid (balance). You're taller than my wife and she is able to lift the lid on my monster grill (Wolf 6 burner) which is MUCH higher than a Genesis or Summit, MUCH heavier too (all double walled 304 stainless) and HUGE. My Wolf is as deep (front to back) as my Genesis or my Summit 4 burner is wide! I put whole slabs of spare ribs on it front to back LOL (notice word is multiple LOL) on my Genesis (thanks to EW burners) I can only lay one slab and on the Summit (due to NS design) I cannot even do a slab whole. And the Wolf stands about 6 inches taller than the Webers (which I enjoy being 6'2").
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Is the 330 your looking at equipped with ss flavor bars and grates? If not you will be replacing those at some point.

Most places have the Genesis for $100 off so 450 may be a fair price at best but not a deal in my opinion
Reggie, yes it has stainless steel flavorizers and grates. Thanks for your input.
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All the EP's have the stainless grates and flavorizers, making them well worth the extra $50.
Unless the grill is in excellent condition and includes a cover, $450 would be on the higher side around here. But I prefer the older E-W burner design anyway.
Well I picked it up yesterday and it's in excellent condition with a cover. I also got the Weber handle light and two propane tanks. I rarely use a rotisserie and use my WSM for ribs so this will be mostly for grilling fish, chops, steaks, chicken, etc. I'll use the Silver B with the rotisserie.

