Just the Point

Well I saw temps were just over 150. I have a REALLY nice bark set on it. So I figured why not wrap it now. Sadly I have no tallow. I found a couple pieces of scrap brisket from my last cook in the freezer, tried rendering those but no dice. Just got crispy fat in the sauce pan. Anyway brisket is wrapped. Has good bark and I think all the smoke it's really gonna need for a great feed. Currently holding temps 240 oven temp now, and current meat temp 155.
Well I saw temps were just over 150. I have a REALLY nice bark set on it. So I figured why not wrap it now. Sadly I have no tallow. I found a couple pieces of scrap brisket from my last cook in the freezer, tried rendering those but no dice. Just got crispy fat in the sauce pan. Anyway brisket is wrapped. Has good bark and I think all the smoke it's really gonna need for a great feed. Currently holding temps 240 oven temp now, and current meat temp 155.
how many hours did it take to get to 150? any data logs to see for temps over time?
Oh sorry I don't log anything LOL. It hit 208 and probed like butter at 1530, and it's been double wrapped and sitting in the cooler since. But the probe literally fell right through it
So sorry. Everything was so rushed tonight. I totally forgot to do photos. All I can say is it was AMAZING. And other than a tiny piece left which I am giving to one of my daughters for her lunch at work. It's gone. Great smoke flavor and everything. Knife literally fell through it. Great bark, fantastic flavor too

