just put ribs on..outside temp is 14°


David Henegar

New member
Well just got ribs on. One rack of spares and one rack of babys. Very cold here this morning. The wind chill is a balmy 5°. Took a while for the wsm 22 to get up to temp, but now shes locked in about 245. Thinkin of putting some boneless ribs on after while. Has anyone ever done this before? How long should it take them and are they any good? My wife doesnt really like looking at the bones..Any thoughts?
Scuse my ignorance butt I never ran across boneless ribs unless they are country style ribs. Are they beef or pork?

They are pork. I have never really thought about it till i seen some at kroger the other day. I guess ill put some foil on the grate to keep them from going through. Might be a disastet, but im going to give it a try!

