Just got the stoker.....and it's broken


Paul B.

New member
Just got my stoker today. Got done calibrating the pit prob, pulled it out for the unit and notice the cover on the jack was missing. Looked in the port and sure enough it's stuck in there.
Just called and left Rock a message. I got a big bbq coming up next weekend. What do you think my chances are in getting a replacement this week?
I had the exact same thing happen to me the first time I used mine, but Rock's was very fast in fixing it, I was pleased with their service. I overnighted it to them and received it back in a couple of days.

You may was to email them as well to be sure thy get the message, good luck it's no fun to have a comp coming up and your equipment crap-out on you
I have to hand it to the guys at Rock. They are shipping me a new on that will be here on Wednesday, along with a box to ship the old one back in.

Very impressed with the customer service.

