Just got my first gas grill


Derrick Lee

New member
Hi Everyone! I just got my first gas grill (S-310) and was wondering how hot can these grill go up to. I was testing it with a steak once I got it and the heat from the grill on high to me just felt "warm". 1" steak took about 10 mins to cook for a medium rare and there wasn't a good grill mark on it. I did shut the lid for awhile and saw the temperature gauge went up to about 400 F with three burners on. I'm use to using charcoal grills where the heat is usually flaming hot. Also it was a very windy day so I'm not sure if that affected the temperature.

Btw am I suppose to season the grill before usage?
First - Welcome to the forum.

The grill will get HOT, but you gotta leave the lid closed. You don't pre-heat or bake with the over door open and this is the same principal. I usually start the grill & close the lid, grab the steak (or whatever from the fridge) and prep it (oil, trimming, seasoning, etc) and by then the grill should be in the 500 degree range. (I've gone past 600 before) That's when I toss the meat on have a great sizzle going. I've been a gas grill user way longer than charcoal and still think gas gets hotter. Yes, the wind can and will affect the temps - but that goes with all grills.

There really isn't much to season. If you're using the porcelain cast iron grates, you could oil them up. Me, I prefer to just cook a bunch of burgers and season it that way. :D
First - Welcome to the forum.

The grill will get HOT, but you gotta leave the lid closed. You don't pre-heat or bake with the over door open and this is the same principal. I usually start the grill & close the lid, grab the steak (or whatever from the fridge) and prep it (oil, trimming, seasoning, etc) and by then the grill should be in the 500 degree range. (I've gone past 600 before) That's when I toss the meat on have a great sizzle going. I've been a gas grill user way longer than charcoal and still think gas gets hotter. Yes, the wind can and will affect the temps - but that goes with all grills.

There really isn't much to season. If you're using the porcelain cast iron grates, you could oil them up. Me, I prefer to just cook a bunch of burgers and season it that way. :D

Ditto what Chad said... Welcome to the site Derrick.
It should easily go past 500 with the lid closed. I have had instances where I did not get to temp but I had to reset the opd valve on the tank. Turn everything off. Shut off the tank. Remove and reinstall line to tank. Open valve slowly with lid open and light. Hope it helps
Ditto what curt said, but u don't have to unhook the tank.

To light, have burners off, open tank then turn on burner.

To extinguish, close tank, wait for flames to disappear, then turn off burners.

To fix, turn tank off, open burner for 5 seconds, close burner, then do normal light procedure.

It sounds like you vapor locked the tank, Very Common, and results in low flame.

