Just got a new performer, tips needed

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TVWBB Super Fan
Hey everyone, I just got a new Performer this week and I have some questions. This will really be my first time grilling with a charcoal grill. Anyone just have any general tips for grilling with charcoal? I understand the direct vs. indirect, but how much charcoal do you generally use for basic meals?

An old Cook's Illustrated trick was to save a card board milk carton (the bigger one) and use to measure charcoal before throwing it on. Or you could use a chimney starter to figure out how much you are using. There is always the age-old method of counting one by one (but that gets old after a time. It will take some trial and error to figure out how much charcoal yu use for different cooks depending on how much food, what temps (smoking lo 'n' slow vs grilling), and for how long you need to cook. You can also try using the charcoal basket as guides. I usually just eyeball and light it up. The performer is so air tight that I can always use the left over charcoal next time, by shutting the lid damper and bottom vents - coals go out and the grill is cold in 30-60mins.
Congrats on the Performer. It's a great grill.

My tips:

1. Get a chimney starter

2. Learn to do a two zone fire. Do some direct grilling on it. I'd do something cheap as I learn here. Think chicken thighs or burgers

3. Learn to do indirect cooking. Do something cheap again. Think butterflied chicken.

Google the terms above and it should be helpful. Read a lot - this forum, the weber site, weber cookbooks. And experiment.
I have a performer and am sure you will love it. The thing I would add to the other suggestions is to add more charcoal than you think you need. The biggest problem I had in my first few times was not using enough fuel and not being able to maintain enough heat long enough.
I have since learned to start with more fuel than I think I will need. I then close the vents when done and it goes out in a few minutes. I then add fresh fuel to this remaining fuel the next time.

Good luck,
Paul, Exactly, I always start with a full Weber chimney on my performer if I am <span class="ev_code_RED">grilling</span>, direct or indirect. You can always kill the left over and use it the next time. Congrats on the new grill!

and GO HOGS!
Hello Paul
I have the performer. I would not start with a full chimmey. It's way to much heat. I have the two coal sepraters and I put 8 to 12 pieces in on each side and start it up. Let them catch on and then shut it off. Put one coal pan on one side the other on the other side. Put the lid on and see were the temps are. Adjust the bottom and top accordingly. They say not to touch the top vent on the WSM but on the Kettle I have not had a problem. I can usely can keep it at 200 - 250 for 2.5 - 3 hours if not more. If I see I need more heat I open up the vents. If it is at the 3hour mark and I see the heat not responding then I know I have to add 3 more coals.At the very end I always have left over coals and reuse them next time. The performer is great but like somebody already said it takes a little more baby sitting then the WSM. And you know what, that is the fun about it too me. Good Luck Paul. Happy BBQ
45-50 briquettes get me to 425-450. If you start with a full large chimney, you are looking at a mighty hot fire.
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