Just got a 22" OTS -


David Games

TVWBB Member
Have had my WSM for a little over a year now and had been wanting to get a kettle. On the spur of the moment, bought a used OTS 22" on CL friday.

A couple questions
Is the opening on the bottom for the ash removal system considered a vent that you leave open when burning? Do people adjust this opening and leave the top open like you do on a wsm for temp control?

What do people consider essential accessories? CI cooking grids? The cooking grid wasn't in great shape so I stopped at Home Depot and picked up the $19 weber grid with the hinged access to get at the charcoal below. Indirect cooking briquet holders?

Also, do people generally do the threaded lamp grommet mod for Maverick 732 probes on their kettles?
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Yes the one touch sweeper blades also act as you're bottom vents. You can use the top or bottom to control temps.. I use the bottom on my OTG, but my Son and his FIL only use the top on the OTS.
The hinged grate is a good upgrade, I like a few CI pans of varying sizes and a CI griddle. I use the charcoal rails more than the baskets ( briq holders) so I gifted them to my Son.
Enjoy the OTS!


