Just finished a resto of a nice old school Silver C.......Hi flames :(



TVWBB All-Star
Just finished a resto of an old Silver C. I installed new burners, bars, grates, ignitor, etc etc etc. When I test fired the grill I believe the flames were a bit higher than I am used to seeing. I would say 1.5" flames on high and when it was on low that looked like my normal high. So when I got home I fired up my Silver B and confirmed that the C def has some high flames. What is the best method to tame this wild beast???? Install a new regulator or adjust the burner air mix?


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If I remember correctly, propane has more btus per unit of volume than natural gas.... IF a burner system (burner + control + regulator) is designed for propane, all of the orifices/passageways will be a little smaller and for natural gas, the opposite. So, if you put propane in a NG system, you'll get more btus thru the system which sounds great from a Tim the Tool Man Tayler "more power" perspective but is in reality very unsafe and therefore not cool. Be careful!
First off the air mixture does NOT affect flame output/heat. Second they don't magically "unadjust". Three you cannot correct a wrong gas application, poor regulator, missing orifice(s) issue by adjusting anything.
If it really is a flame thrower on LP than it was a NG originally. There is still a whole level of people who think you "convert" a grill by changing a hose. First determine what you actually have then let's help you diagnose what NEEDS to be done to make it run properly
Ok then...........When I scooped it up it was known as a propane grill but I see what u guys are saying.....maybe the previous owner converted it incorrectly. Now lets be very clear.....with all the new parts she runs beautifully but on the main burners instead of them being 1" like my personal silver B.......to me these flames appear to flying higher like 1 1/2" .......that said not like a flame thrower from a incorrect modern regulator install. When I accidentally installed the wrong regulator to a grill a year a go I could literally hear the gas flowing similar to a blow torch. This grill is NOT like that........just higher flames than I am used to. I will see if we can read the serial and model number first.......then try a regulator swap. Thanks all
Very simple way to tell if it is the wrong regulator. Grab a 3/64" drill bit and try to stick in one of the orifices. If it goes in, you have a NG manifold on your grill. If it doesn't, then you have an LP manifold. If you have an LP manifold, then look elsewhere...likely the regulator.
But, be sure that the grill is indeed running hot before you make any real changes. Fire it up and see how fast/far she heats up. It could just be that it is the burner design that is causing a different looking flame.
Thanks Bruce.......ya i do believe in the back of my mind that the older grills were designed to run a lil hotter
I will include a pic of the serial # if anyone can decipher for me.....ng or lp i would appreciate it.......i am at the shop now checking the grill out.


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Here is a pic.of the regulator.......looks original........UL listed......even says LP gas on it.......so last thing to do is check orifices w drill bit


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Serial # sticker says LP right on it..........regulator says LP right on it.........i think she is bone stock......interesting WC says 10.5
I loaded up the grill with some old 16 gauge bars and some ss grates and test ran the grill for 30 min.......much to my surprise she was not a run away train. She slowly climbed to 500......then eventually creeped to 550 all under good control. I guess I could change the reg and might get lower flames but my guess is this grill is operating correctly. Again note.....there is no noise like the flame thrower regulator situation....everything is normal.....I just thought the flames were higher that I was used to seeing.
I think on those shorter burners that may simply run higher. I am just not used to looking at those. Especially since my only comparison is my Wolf but the burners in my Wolf (even though N/S) are nearly as long as an old Genesis and my Wolf has such high powered burners if I turn them all up high the bearings start squeaking in my gas meter :D
I loaded up the grill with some old 16 gauge bars and some ss grates and test ran the grill for 30 min.......much to my surprise she was not a run away train. She slowly climbed to 500......then eventually creeped to 550 all under good control. I guess I could change the reg and might get lower flames but my guess is this grill is operating correctly. Again note.....there is no noise like the flame thrower regulator situation....everything is normal.....I just thought the flames were higher that I was used to seeing.
That is exactly what it is supposed to do. Try turning it down to medium and it should be around 350. I would not worry how the flame looks
Yes as far as temps she was right on the money for sure. Larry these are not all that short for burner tubes....its a Silver C so it uses the pretty standard tubes we use all the time unless you are comparing to the 300 series w knobs on the side....those are very long. I compared these flames to my personal Silver B......for some unknown reason the flames on the C are def higher then the B........that said....the C looks to be at least 5 years older than my B.......it has an older manifold style and a side burner attachment. There are no leaks and she runs like a champ. I will have to compare it to another C when one comes along
I think on those shorter burners that may simply run higher. I am just not used to looking at those. Especially since my only comparison is my Wolf but the burners in my Wolf (even though N/S) are nearly as long as an old Genesis and my Wolf has such high powered burners if I turn them all up high the bearings start squeaking in my gas meter :D
Larry, Is this one of the Wolf's you have? Never seen one and these pics are not the greatest. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/842552946383766
Hey Larry.............your pic has been driving me crazy for a year......looks like Marlin Brando........is that correct?

