Just bent my lid


Travis D

TVWBB Member
ARG! I just dropped the lid for my WSM. Of course it had to land rim down on the corner of the concrete sidewalk. It was bent slightly out of round and has a chip taken out of the porcelain.
I managed to bend it back the best I could while trying to keep my fire from raging out of control as I smoke some back bacon.
That's what I get for trying to rush and do ten things at once.
I dropped mine on the handle the second time I used it. There was exposed steel by the weld where the handle bent. I sanded it down and applied hi temp paint.
I can't begin to tell you how PO'd I got when I knocked mine off the table it was sitting on. The vent hit the concreate and left a nice dent which prevented me from closing the vent. Took a rubber hammer and managed to pop most of the dent out and straighten out the vent enough to get it to work. Thankfully they fix back up pretty nice.
Dropped mine a few months back. It flipped and landed on the top handle. Just dented around both sides of the handle. Contacted Weber to replace but it was a little costly so I didn't. Even though I see the dent everytime I use the WSM I really don't mind it. Kind of like a war wound. As long as the Q keeps coming out good...

