Just a Flat


Wade Grace

New member
I had planned on doing a packer brisket tomorrow starting at 5AM (not HH), and finishing it in the oven for dinner, and doing BBs the last 5 hours.

However, at Costco tonight- -they had the normal BBs, but the only brisket they had in the place was the flat. So I have a 3.83 lb flat (Choice) and don't think it has a fat cap on the other side (i could be wrong, I haven't opened it). This isn't wrapped in cryovac lack pork butts I get there. This is more like a butcher cut it, put it on those white styrofoam trays that you see in the grocery store for steaks and then wrapped it in clear plastic wrap.

At any rate- -I went ahead and bought it, and will be firing up the smoker tomorrow for ribs- -but how should I adjust the times/methods, etc to still have some brisket for dinner?

And, also, is there some special place to look at Costco for a packer brisket? What are some other places I could try?

Thanks as always for the help!
Not sure where you are, but my Costco here always only have flats, albeit in cryovac. I have heard that from others here as well. Other have same that Super Wally World has packers and my brother has also gotten them at Sam's.
i get mine from the local butcher down the street. if i'm planning it far enough in advance i call and reserve/order one.
Did you ask some one in the meat department if that was all they had? I found out that most of whats on display are trimmed and tenderized flats for about $4.00lb the guy at the counter said that they had some untrimmed flats in the back that they usually don't put out unless you ask for them and even said they had a few packers this time. Untrimmed flats and packers are also less expensive.
I don't shop at either but from what I gather most Walmarts have packers. Virtually never in the display case though - you have to ask.
Yeah- I did ask the guy behind the counter, but he said they didn't have any packers in the back.

Any thoughts on how to cook it? I still went ahead and got it since I really wanted to try brisket. Thanks
Ive only seen packers in costco 2x. once when I joined (roughly around sept) and this year right before labor day. the rest of the time its been horrible looking flats. I went to the local sams and they only had flats but they were huge 9lb'ers with thick flats
I've never seen any in the Costco by me and the one time I did ask the meat dude acted quite surprised at the fact they had a few. The flats in the case had been re-wrapped,those are the trimmed and tenderized ones, the ones in the cryo are the untrimmed ones and they didn't have much fat on them but considerably more than the trimmed ones.
I live near Atlanta, Ga- any ideas for packers, I'd appreciate it.

I did the costco 4lb flat for about 3 hours at 225 and then foiled for another 2 hrs to an internal of 200. It was good, not great. Course that was the first brisket I ever had, so I wasn't real sure what to expect. Thanks for all the help.
I get my full packers are walmart. They always have two in the display case and some in the back. They tend to have a thick fat cap. I did by one once when it was actually going bad, so keep an eye out.

