Jamison Smoke & Spice Cooktimes


Mark D. Anderson

TVWBB Member
So I got into smoking a little over a year ago and I've been using the Jamison Smoke & Spice cookbook for most of my recipes.

Does anyone else notice that their cooktimes are a little on the short side?

I just did a whole chicken exactly according to their directions and the thing never got about 150 degrees after 4 hours at 230 degrees or so.

Anyone else using this cookbook? Should I be adding and extra hour or two to everything I try out of there?
Like most on the board, I use temps and feel instead of times.

Different cuts and meats are all unique in their suggested finish time.
OK, so here's another dumb question... Everything I read says 220-225 degrees for smoking, but many here seem to cook at higher temps often.

Any opinions on how high a temp is too high?
Most BBQ books times are on the low side. I think they don't want to scare you off.

And alot of smokers move alot more air through them than the WSM does. This will give you a convection effect, thus cooking at a faster rate at a set temp.

How high is too high depends on what you are cooking and how you want or need to cook it.
Mark - I also use Smoke & Spice for most of my recipes, but other than rub/sauce recipes, I use this website, and my own experiences for the process.

Most of the process/times in that book are different from what you need to do with the WSM.
Like Brent said, Smoke and Spice is great for the recipes. Just don't use them for temps or times - especially if you are cooking in a WSM. It's a different cooker than an offset and cooks that way.

