It's heeeeere!!!!

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Mike Force

New member
....and my wife is already salivating over the thought of the ribs I'm gonna smoke-cook in the new WSM this coming weekend! They've always turned out well in the big Weber kettle, but this is somehow different, like graduating to the next grade level if you will.

However, I recently spoke to Rick Naug from Apple Creek Timber (near Auburn, WA.) after a couple replies to a previous post suggested I contact him for smoke wood, and he indicated he actually prefers smoking in his kettle! He certainly wasn't dissing the WSM (called it a wonderful little unit), it was just his experience after extensively using both methods. I told him I was enthusiastically looking forward to forming my own opinion, and he was VERY supportive (basically urging me to give it a few years to develop)!! I'll gladly take his advice!

So what do the masses say? What are your preferences to these two "smoke" methods, and why? Taste? Texture? Appearance? Do you prefer to use one unit for some cooks, and the other for others? (BTW, I'm not talking about grilling vs. smoking, as I've used my kettle to smoke-cook for a couple years now, by simply offsetting the charcoal basket to one side and augmenting with various smoke woods as taste dictated.)

For me, having not had the chance to use my WSM yet, my first impression is that the biggest difference will be the volume I can do on the WSM will far surpass what I can do in the kettle, and I won't have to mess with the fuel as much on longer cooks. But this doesn't really say anything as to the end product. Both methods can produce excellent results as attested to by my experience with the kettle, and everyone else's with the WSM that posts here.

So whaddya think?
...and now that I've read a few of the responses to the "Beef Brisket on a 22/12" kettle?" post (see below), I guess this is a topic that's been discussed a few times already! Think I'll go do a serch now, and quit being so hasty with my posts! /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif
Don't feel bad about posting something that has probably been covered by another post. Honestly I think it would be hard to find something that hasn't been discussed, at least to some degree, on this BB. While there is more than one way to skin a cat, there can only be a finite number of ways !

Mike, I think you'll find that you will prefer your kettle over your WSM. If this is indeed the case, I'll be happy to take the WSM off your hands for say, a $25 handling fee. /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif
LOL! Well as posted before the kettle is great! But I'm looking forward to getting my WSM just to have more cooking area. Plus it has more parts to play with. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Leave it to you guys to always be looking for a bargin, or just a wya to smoke more. Rob, love the way you connected the racks together to increase the capacity.
Thanks for all the tibits of wisdom you vets provide to us newbies. Am always looking for ways to improve.
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