Issues with reboot command from SSH and web GUI



New member
I inadvertently added to the mosquitto issues page some issues with my rc.local start of mosquitto_pub and the reboot command not working from SSH or the web gui. I'm sorry about cluttering up the issues page with my noob issues and unrelated to the mosquitto stuff; I have removed my comments to put them here below:

I had an issue where it appeared to me that rc.local was not running on boot; turns out the wifi wasn't up and connected so the mosquitto_pub couldn't connect and would exit. I fixed that issue by making a script to wait until the mosquitto server host returned a ping before starting the mosquitto_pub command. You can see that Mosquitto Support in DEV.

The issue that I have is that reboot doesn't work now via the SSH console nor the web GUI. Bryan had mentioned in the issue page about lmclient being blocking. I dont know if this is really much of an issue but thought I'd start the discussion about it here. Maybe someone could point out the error of my ways...
I just posted about this in the other MQTT thread, but the answer is because when you add the lmclient command to rc.local, it blocks waiting for the command to finish. The command keeps running as long as linkmeterd and the MQTT server are up, so init never finishes, and the reboot command can't tell the system to reboot because the startup procedure is still running. I just verified this on a test HeaterMeter here.
Yep I made the changed you suggested and it fixed my self inflicted issue. I can now reboot.

Thanks again for your help!

