Is this still salvageable? My first attempt at a restore.


Dave S Iowa

New member
I knew the crossmember was rusted out and I wanted to replace all the hardware with SS. The more I've removed, the more rust I'm seeing. 20200621_111343.jpg





Is it fixable? Yes. But it will cost you more in time and money than it is probably worth. I would keep an eye out for another grill to rehab or one with a good frame that you can swap this one over too.

I am kind of surprised that cross member rusted out like that on a two burner since there no burner directly adjacent to the middle where the bolt goes through.
I replaced the burners a couple years ago and noticed the crossmember rusting then, but definitely wasn't as bad as is in the picture and at the time seemed like the only bad spot on the grill. A couple years later and its seems like the rust really overtook the frame. I've noticed the moisture seems worse in our backyard in the last year or two. You can see green moss growing on the grill basket. Its also on a concrete slab which I've read can speed up corrosion.
Yah, the concrete probably has something to do with it. But that enclosed cabinet is the reason the lower part is in such rough shape. You are best to stay away from any enclosed cabinets in grills IMO.

