Is this a good buy for $120?



TVWBB Member
I saw a CL listing for a classic Weber this ok for $120?

According to seller, it will come with a cover and "The grates, charcoal baskets, burner, igniter, and tank are in great condition"....




Seems a little high, I was able to pick up a second gen one in mint condition for $50. But a lot of folks like the older ones so it's what you want and willing to pay.
It does seem over priced as I have seen newer models posted here/ & on CL for around the same price.

It's still a Weber , cant go wrong with a Weber.
I do want it BUT I do agree that the price seems a little high.

Seller did say he has a new ash catcher coming in to add to the item.

One thing I noticed in the pic is that, it looks like it is missing the charcoal holder / compartment thingie...
It's an older one and there are lots of good deals out there if you're in a position to be patient. Jim's comment says it best "is it worth it to you?". If so, go for it.

