Is the Electronic Touch-N-Go™ gas ignition system on worthwhile or not worth it?


Tom Raveret

I'm looking to replace 0ne of the older 22.5 grills that had the stainless steel rolling cart and am trying to decide whats next. Never had a gril with the Electronic Touch-N-Go but am intrigued.

I'm likely buying used on Craigslist and have seen some with the Electronic Touch-N-Go™ gas ignition system and others without it.

I have two of the chimney starters and use my grills 3-5 times a week and do fine.

Any thoughts on what to look for or to stay away from would be apreciated.

I use the gas starter system on both my performers as well as for lighting the chimney for minion starts in the WSM and Cajun Bandit. Works great. BTW, scored both performers on CL for a total of $145. Bargains are out there if you are patient.
is the stainless one in that bad of shape ? for me the issue would be more about the shape and price of one. the touch n go might be nice but not a real deal breaker.
the stainless one requires welding to keep working. the tabs that hold the grill grate and the charcoal grate in place have rusted through completely on one and two others will require significant welding. My brother in law is willing to do it but if I can find one cheap and update I might. He has the grill now and when he looked at it said it can be done but warned me it won't look pretty. Function is much more important for me than looks so that doesn't bother me

I like the stainless table for a variety of reasons including heat won;t damage it nothing stains it etc.. but tow have gotton away from me on CL both going for around $50 each.

Does anyone know if lead is in welding like it is in solder? If so is there any chance of it leeching or is that something i need not concern myself with. the food would never be in direct contact but could all that heat cause any to leech (if it exists at all)
You shouldn't have any problems with toxic metals after welding. The performer is just mild steel and the proper welding rod is also mild steel but with a flux coating. If he uses a wire feed, which uses a gas envelope, then there will be no flux to remove.

Other option is using silver solder/braze. This too should not be a problem once the flux is removed.

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Look on CL for a performer with stainless top and gas assist start. Seen a few of em on CL here in CO.

My Wife and daughter just bought me. '13 Performer platinum with gas assist and its awesome! Run the gas burner for 4-5 minutes and then shut it off. Another 10min and coals are ready!

