Is Nu-Temp working correctly?


Robert Brunner

New member

I just used my new Nu-Temp NU-701 with two probes on a couple of butts this weekend. I noticed a problem and I was wondering if it was common behavior.

Every so often, maybe once an hour on average, one of the remotes would lose the connection with the base station. After a few minutes it would re-connect again, but it would randomly re-assign the units to different channels. This made setting temperature alarms useless, since the alarms no longer corresponded to the correct thermometer.

The distance to the unit was less than 20 feet, although I also have observed this behavior with the units sitting right next to each other in my kitchen. The outside temperature was about 40 degrees the whole time.

I've got fresh batteries in all the units, and other than this problem it seems accurate. Has anyone else observed anything like this?
That is not common behavior for Nu-Temps, especially if they're sitting in close proximity to one another. They're obviously loosing communication. Someone posted a while back about a certain battery manufacturer that was not the proper size battery but bending the battery tabs in the Nu-Temp would fix the problem...Anyone remember which battery that was? Can't find it through search...
It was Duracell. When I received my Nu-Temp, one of the units was not working. The manual on-line mentioned the problem so I got some Radio Shack batteries and the unit works fine. I emailed Nu-Temp and said they should mention this in the material you get with the units. They replied that they were rewriting the manual.
I'm using Energizers, not Duracells. I'll take a look at the battery contacts when I get home and see if that makes a difference.


There may very well be another issue with your setup but that's where I'd start. Good Luck and let us know what you find out.

And, welcome aboard!!
I just checked the contacts. The springs for the negative contacts seem tight. The positive contacts are flat wires that don't really want to be bent. So I replaced the batteries, and we'll see how it goes.
Yes, the spiral springs for the + (the end of the battery with the little bump on it) contact are virtually flat and they do not really want to be bent. I grabbed the center section and forced it up just a little and the thermometers worked fine.

