"Inventum" Bread Machine


Richard Garcia

TVWBB Wizard
I saw this used Bread Machine, Brand Name: "INVENTUM", in a local hock shop here in Costa Rica selling for $50.00. It looked in good shape,however, there are no written instuctions. Also, I think this machine was manufactured in Holland and the buttons to activate this machine are either in dutch or german. I have never used a bread machine and I am wanting one soley to facilitate the making of pizza dough. Are most bread machines pretty straight forward and easy to use without written instructions???


WSM, OTG 22 1/2" with Smokenator
Early in my pizza dough-making endeavors, I used to use my bread machine's dough cycle for 20 minutes, and then cut it off. It would mix my ingredients for me and then knead the dough into a nice smooth ball. The heating element would turn on just enough to provide a little bit of beneficial warmth to stimulate the yeast. Years later, I got a big KitchenAid stand mixer, and would use it in a similar manner. Problem was, neither appliance guaranteed a predictable final product. It wasn't until after I stopped using either of them that I had consistent success with my pizza dough. What I realized was, of all the things that contributed to good dough, kneading was the least important. Good quality flour, high hydration, and a cold ferment far outweighed kneading. In fact, all I really do now is "cloak" the dough balls for about a minute total before putting them in the refrigerator. I don't even knead them on a board manually.

If you still want a totally hands-off approach to dough making, or you think you might get some enjoyment out of using the unit as an actual bread machine, I'd say go for it. You can translate the legends on it here: http://babelfish.yahoo.com/ Me, I'd spend the $50 on some King Arthur flour.

BTW, the Inventum website is in Dutch, but the pictures of the bread machines show the controls in English. http://www.inventum.eu/Products.aspx?a=10BM90&p=10000048&s=0. You can also download English instructions for the two current models there.
Doug: I accessed the Inventum website,however, the instructions for the two(2) Bread Machines listed are only in Dutch and French. However, your other advice is well taken and thanx for your reply and help.


WSM(OM), OTG 22 1/2" with Smokenator
If you click on one of the links at the bottom of the individual machine details pages, the manuals there are in four languages, one being English. Use the link in my post above.
Doug: Found the English link, however, they only listed instructions for their newer models of Bread Machines and not the one I am thinking of buying which is an older but similar model. I printed it out anyway and will read it to see if this something I really need or another of my "wants" which drives my little women nuts. Thanx


WSM, OTG 22 1/2" with Smokenator

