Chris Notarpole
TVWBB Member
I stumbled upon this article/review written by Danny Gaulden reviewing the BDS (big drum smoker). I was just laughing to myself how we spend all this time with heatsinks, gurus, piedmont pans, etc. and a man who has bbqed more than I ever will in 2 lifetimes just loves the big drum smoker! Concept is simple, a drum with plug holes to control airflow. The thing that makes me go hmmm would be no pan, foil, sand, etc., just cook the meat over a low slow temp for better tasting food. Why couldn't this be done with the WSM? It wouldn't cost anything...
Here is the article:
Anyone tried just removing everything and just cooking over a low slow fire? Cooking on the top grate would provide more than enough distance between the food and fire regarding flareups......
Here is the article:
Anyone tried just removing everything and just cooking over a low slow fire? Cooking on the top grate would provide more than enough distance between the food and fire regarding flareups......