Install Trouble with StokerLog


Chris NE

New member
Hello All:

Running a Vista machine here and can't get Amir's StokerLog installed.

The error box says: The system administrator has set polices to prevent this installation.

If I right click the file, there is no option for "run as administrator," which is the way I normally get around this.

Any ideas?

Not sure why you can't run the setup as admin.

But this may work. Can you start a command prompt ("cmd") as administrator? If so, start that, change directory to where the setup is and then just type its name there. It should run as admin that way.

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately it won't run the file - says something like the file is not an .exe or .bat file.

I am running 64-bit Vista, have you had trouble on that OS before?

The only other thing I can think of is maybe a .NET issue -- I'm having trouble with a .NET update that keeps failing. Does Stokerlog use .NET (and what version of the framework is needed if it does)?

Thanks for your help with this. It's frustrating to me as I've got the software loaded without trouble on my work PC, as well as my wife's notebook (both XP), but can't get it installed on my main PC at home.

