Inkbird IBBQ-4T Got Wet


Jay D in Jersey

Closed Account
Was cooking chicken thighs and legs on the Oakford yesterday and was about 3 minutes from pulling off the grill hoping for that crispy skin you guys have been talking about. The sky literally opened up and it poured like I've not seen it before. I got the chicken in much for the crispy skin. But the grill remained uncovered as storm cell after storm cell rolled through...I'm talking 2-3" of rain in < 1 hour. Of course my Inkbird Wi-fi IBBQ-4T was out there. I got it this AM now that it's clear and dry, but the window is obviously wet. I don't have high hopes for its long term survival and even wonder if it will be as accurate as it was.
I think the bag of rice trick is likely futile too.
Might be time to replace it...less than a year old.
:( Sorry that happened. The rice is worth a try after drying as much as you can with towels.

I would have suggested baking in a cool oven (most modern electronics will withstand 158F, or 70C, un-powered) as a last ditch effort, but I see this unit has a built-in rechargeable battery. I don't know that I would try baking unless the battery can be removed, as batteries (rechargeable or otherwise) shouldn't be heated (they may rupture violently, aka, explode).

This situation brings to mind something I've been thinking of building for my fan controller; a rain box similar to this one: Build This BBQ Electronics Rain Box For Your Thermometer, iQue, Guru, Stoker! - YouTube.
:( Sorry that happened. The rice is worth a try after drying as much as you can with towels.

I would have suggested baking in a cool oven (most modern electronics will withstand 158F, or 70C, un-powered) as a last ditch effort, but I see this unit has a built-in rechargeable battery. I don't know that I would try baking unless the battery can be removed, as batteries (rechargeable or otherwise) shouldn't be heated (they may rupture violently, aka, explode).

This situation brings to mind something I've been thinking of building for my fan controller; a rain box similar to this one: Build This BBQ Electronics Rain Box For Your Thermometer, iQue, Guru, Stoker! - YouTube.
I thought of the oven idea but decided against it. Next best thing was putting it on the table on our deck, in the sun and a dry, breezy hot day.
Time will tell. The screen is 50% dry...electronics and battery??? Anybody's guess.
I got my Inkbird wet pretty bad and it was wonky for several days.
I put a small fan to it during this time and it cleared up.

I’ve never had any luck with rice de-hydrating anything.
When cell phones first came out I had several get real wet.
I used the defroster on my truck to dry them out.
I got my Inkbird wet pretty bad and it was wonky for several days.
I put a small fan to it during this time and it cleared up.

I’ve never had any luck with rice de-hydrating anything.
When cell phones first came out I had several get real wet.
I used the defroster on my truck to dry them out.
That's kind of the method I'm using now. Have it sitting with all port caps open on a sunny window sill about 12" above an HVAC vent.
I purchased this maybe 6 months ago due to the price being awesome and my lesser model ink bird worked flawlessly for years.
I plugged it in an tested all thermometers and 1 is dedicated to grill has 3 other meat probes.
Everything seems to work but I haven't used it.....been just smoking by feel mostly lately with success.
Price is good, don't need an app and the monitor reaches a long ways without walls being an issue.....Inkbird has worked for me since I started smoking.

1720013050962.png we returned today from several days, including the 4th at our beach house. The Inkbird appears to have dried out and is currently charging. No signs of moisture. Don't know if it'll kick before it's time but seems AOK now.

