Injected Butt - How long to let stand before smoking it?


Rita Y

TVWBB Emerald Member
I'm thinking of injecting this weekend's butt (apple juice, vinegar, sugar, etc.)

Does it go right onto the WSM after injecting or should it stand for a few hours? Don't want it to become mushy.

I shoot to inject and rub, then hold for 2-4 hours before putting on the smoker. I think it can go longer, but I'm usually practicing for competition and 4 hours is about all I get at most competitions.
I light the chimney, inject/rub, set up the WSM, get Guru set up, put it on. It sits for maybe 45 minutes I would say 'til I get to putting it on.
OK. I have it slathered and rubbed and back into the fridge overnight. I'll inject it about 4 hours before I smoke it so that the liquid will (hopefully) spread more evenly through the meat.

Considering how long it will be cooking, it might not need all that sitting around, but it's nice to get the messy part out of the way.

Thanks for all the good input. Very helpful.

My thinking is the injection goes into the meat. It takes 1-1/2 hours for the meats internal temp to reach 140*. I put the rub on the night before and inject shortly before I put the butt on.Only about an hour.

As long as your not using somthing acidic like vineger,citrus or wine I dont think injecting a few hours ahead is going to change the texture.

I quess we all have our own way of going about this. I like to inject, rub,then light up a allready set up WSM. When I reach the cooker temp I am looking for I put them on.

When I inject I have the injection liquid all over the butt"I pump them as full as I can get them". That is why I put the rub on last.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.

They showed the pork comp in Ga. again last night on the food channel. A few teams were shown injecting, but they didn't say how long before they put it on the smoker.
Bob, yeah, they also said that now that 1 team is injecting they all have to to keep up.

Does it really make much of a difference? I remember doing it once, and i don't remember if i noticed!

Well, it looks as if we'll just have to do one injected and one not, with all other parts of the equation the same, and compare them. It's not as if we'll have to throw "the loser" away.


