Ingleside TX IBCA



This cookoff marks what is pretty much my one-year anniversary in IBCA. Last year I got a 5th place chicken call which I was thrilled about. For those of you that follow along you know Ive definitely had some growing pains this year. Gotten a few calls but just couldn't seem to make all the judges happy.

So this weekend, new brisket rub, mop and sauce. New chicken sauce and rub. Ribs have been the only thing hitting so they were mostly unchanged other than switching to real butter in the wrap from parkay.

I do my trimming on Thursday night at home but have been saving the chicken trim for Friday night at the event. It gives me something to do in the evening before injections and keeps me out of the beer drinking going on outside. I had picked up the perfect size chicken the weekend before and as per the sell by date, I was good. Well, I opened that bird up and pow! It was definitely off. I immediately felt defeated, while this was a small cookoff of 18, it was a hornets nest. Out of those there were probably 15 very good cooks, all who have multiple grand championships to their names. I messaged my wife and she sprung into action! She brought me a fresh bird, a little bigger than I normally cook but it would have to do. Luckily I was only about fifteen minutes from home, she totally saved my weekend.

So, the results. 9th ribs, 7th brisket, and 1st place chicken. Ended up 3rd overall, one point away from RGC. Looks like I'll be cooking larger birds from now on. Got a few shots of meats during prep stages just for something different. Thanks for reading, hope everyone had a great weekend. IMG20240601062423.jpgIMG20240601073321.jpgIMG20240601091849.jpgIMG20240601162650.jpg

