In the words of the old Jedi Master...........

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Ines Burriola

Closed Account
Hi All! I tried "No there is no try, do or do not" my first brisket yesterday (overnighter.)It came out fantastic,real nice bark,the whole works. The flat was not as moist as the point but very tender, from all I've read that's normal? I've read so many how to's and such so I felt pretty confident.
The one thing I did that I hadn't read anywhere was to marinate(wet)overnight I used "Stubbs" beef marinade and rubbed with my homemade rub after taking it out of the marinade. Have any of you guys used a wet marinated prior to the rub? Is this considered a no-no for real Q?

Marinating is fine, meats like brisket don't get as much from this as poultry would but for flavoring it is a good idea.
The section of the flat under the point is the best part of the brisket in my opinion.
I used to be so against marinating anything but chicken But since then I've marinated chops, steaks, and other stuff. I now believe it's all a matter of opinion and taste buds. No one tastes the same as the next guy. So it's all up to you I think.

I don't think marinating anything can hurt it. At the very worst it will give whatever your cooking a pinch of flavor of whatever marinade you used. And that's not a bad thing! But on the other hand I don't think it does anything for tenderizing meat only flavor.
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