In a real bind... REALLY need your help.


adam clyde

Could use some suggestions here. I have guests coming over in about an hour and can't go to the store.

Just cooked up 2 great pork butts. About to pull off in a minute and rest in foil until they get here.

However, I'm missing two very critical things...

1) no bread. Well, no buns, that is. How lame is that? Anyhow, all I have is wheat bread. I could serve it on wheat... have you guys ever done that? Would you toast it? Do anything to it? I'm really annoyed with myself.

2) no sauce. While the pork is really tender, I do want to have a sauce on the side. All I have is a bottle of KC Masterpiece... I was going to make a cider/tomato sauce for it... however, I don't have cider vinegar or apple juice. Genius.

Any thoughts on how to doctor a KC Masterpiece for a good sauce with pulled pork? I could thin it out with some drippings... anything else? KC is just so strong... it takes away from the pork.

I'm a perfect model for planning ahead, aren't I? Anyhow, all help GREATLY appreciated.

59 minutes and counting...
The no bread is easily solved. Pull out your cleaver and chop the pork into pieces and let your guests eat it with a fork, just like we do in the Carolinas.

You really do need to send someone to the store for some vinegar.

HTH, Lots of luck
Consider serving a pulled pork plate instead of sandwiches. Do you have any beans for a starchy side dish? Might not need any bread. I have some friends (male and female) who eat their ribs with a knife and fork -- a drippy pulled pork and coleslaw sandwich would put them over the edge, so it's always a plate for them.

I have used a light (as opposed to dense) whole-wheat bread and it was fine for us. Just don't mention to anyone that it should be served any other way.

Cornbread would make a good side too.

Can you ask one of your guests to stop off and pick up what you need on the way over? They'll understand....we've all been in your shoes...often!

Good luck. Let us know who it works out for you.

Dude, use loaf bread, crackers, anything like that will work w/ pulled pork. As far as the sauce, KC will work b/c that's what you have...You could call your guest and have them stop and get a few items if you want..I do that and they are always glad to assist. Hope this helps....
What about Tobasco watered down? All it is is vinegar and cayenne. Add a little water (or maybe wine?) maybe a little ketchup, and you're set!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Al Silverman:
After your guests arrive, give them a beer and tell them you'll be right back. Go to the store and get what you need.

Al </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now THAT is sound advice! I like the way you think.
whew. guests just left.

Thanks for the help folks. Vernon/Rita - took your advice - just did the no bread option. We had potato salad, green salad and fruit salad, so no one missed the bread/sandwich.

Kevin/Phil - ended up using a hybrid of both your options. Just loaded the KC Masterpiece up with tobasco and drippings from the pork. Ended up quite good, and people loved it.

So, ended up great. The only part that was never a concern was the WSM. Ran like a charm. In fact, 22 hours later, it is still going strong at 200 degrees, and I've never added any fuel. Gotta love it.

Thanks guys.

- Adam

We're proud of you! You did good! We've all been in the same situation even with the best of planning... me most of all! There always seems to be last-minute decisions and stuff to take care of.

Just keep good notes on what you would like to do the next time and that will be a big help in the future.


