Ice Cream Dessert


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Platinum Member
Does anyone care to share a favorite frozen ice cream pie or cake?
I recently had a casserole dish desert with oreos and butter bottom crust, vanilla ice cream with instant coffee added, a home made caramel/cocoa topping then a layer of whipped cream....yum.

I fondly remember the "wet nuts" that were put on ice cream sundaes and have learned how to make them at home. They are very good over any kind of ice cream. I happen to love this over French Vanilla ice cream. It will keep in the refrig for a long time.

Mix one botle of dark syrup (Karo), 1/3 cup sugar, 1/3 cup water, and 2 cups walnuts.
Bring to a boil over med heat. As soon as it begins to boil, remove from heat and let cool. Store in glas jar.


do you want to make your own ice cream?

just wondering .. I've got a frozen mango custard recipe at home for rice pudding I've been meaning to try, I could post that

I've also got one for a frozen raspberry cheesecake that's a family favourite
Steve, I've just spent the last 45 minutes ransacking my kitchen for my Better Homes and Gardens 2007 Mexican cooking feature magazine that contained the frozen mango custard recipe. No luck. I hope it hasn't been thrown out.
, sorry.
Shawn, not to worry. I'll do some research later...I have seen a mango custard posted multiple was not served frozen but chilled. Thanks for looking.

